Al Jazeera's headlines are typically fair, but lead to a story with a slight pro-Palestine slant.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Headline showing how MSNBC often avoids mentioning Palestinians in order to keep blame away from Hamas during the conflict.
This is a quote from a BBC Middle East reporter. This is obviously pro-Palestine and even goes so far as to misstate the facts. No matter what side you are on, everyone agrees that Hamas stores it rockets near civilians and even in UN schools (as verified by the UN itself).
Sunday, December 14, 2014
BBC calls the conflict the "Gaza Conflict" and calls it an "Israeli assault"while pointing out the large number of Palestinian deaths compared to the amount of Israeli deaths. However, its explanation of the background of the conflict is fair and accurate to both sides.
CNN brings in commentators to discuss the Israeli offensive in Gaza. While no one comes out specifically against Israel, there is some discussion on how the United States' should condemn this specific offensive that harms civilians. There is a distinctly pro-Israel commentator but the other commentators slam him for his comments. It could be classified as anti-Israel, but it could be considered more neutral as well.
CNN headlines showing that CNN displays its stories in a more even light and gives coverage to both Palestinians and Israelis.
Some Fox News headlines that show Fox's focus on Israel and its approval of Israel's fighting in Gaza.
Yedi'ot Aharonot
YNet hosts Tony Blair to ask him what he would do if he was the Prime Minister of Israel. While Blair points out that Palestinians are dying too, he and the YNet host make all pro-Israel remarks. It's exactly what you would expect from an Israeli news source.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
BBC reports on Israel-Gaza conflict. This news clip, titled "Israel Air-Strikes Kill 25 in Gaza", talks about Israel's attack on Gaza and how many Palestinians were killed. It barely mentions any Palestinian role in the conflict, giving a pro-Palestinian tone to the report.
Al Jazeera hosts an Israeli spokesperson on the air. Al Jazeera consistently gives equal airtime to both Israel and Palestine to express the views of each side.
Israel's ambassador to the US is back, but this time he's on FOX agreeing with Megan Kelly and giving the Israeli version of what happened during a recent terrorist attack. This a clearly pro-Israel news clip.
Comedy Points Out Media's Pro-Israel Bias
John Stewart on American media's unwavering defense of Israel.
Rula Jebreal, a Palestinian journalist, calls out MSNBC for being biased and pro-Israel in their news reporting, something you wouldn't expect from a more liberal American news source.
Israel's ambassador to the US came on CNN and accused the news network of biased reporting against Israel. CNN responds with a fact check of the ambassador's accusations.
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