About This Blog

This blog is about media coverage of the Israeli-Palestininan conflict. My classmates and I at the University of Georgia collected research on several main news outlets and how they covered the conflict, most recently in June 2014 when a conflict ensued between Israel and Gaza, and the events that have followed after. We wanted to see how biased the media was, and if they displayed a bias, which side it was for. To do this, we selected six media outlets, three domestic (American) and three international, and we tried to pick one moderate news source as well as one more conservative and one more liberal for both domestic and international. For domestic sources, we chose CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. For international sources, we picked BBC, Al Jazeera (Arab source), and Yedi'ot Aharanot (Israeli source). We then analyzed each source by its headlines and the content, focusing on the descriptive words used that shape the tone of the article. Although we did conduct thorough research, our findings reflect our own views and not that of the University of Georgia. While you're navigating the blog, notice that each news outlet tab provides you with our research and findings, while the home page provides interesting posts showing clips or headlines from the news outlets so you can match our conclusions with real examples. Check out our findings and let this blog propel you towards looking into medias bias further for yourself!

Works Cited
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